Click to enlarge. Look out for the IP address. lol.. Just proving something here. No big deal. :)
Saturday, August 28, 2010 @4:31 PM
- 2 months plus in Brunei - quick 2 week vacation in Melbourne with bestfriend and brother - Plan to work this summer failed miserably, will make up for it next year - Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, everyone! - Selamat Hari Raya in advanced - leaving in a month :( - despite that, been super great lately :)
Will leave you with my current favourite song..
Verse 1: Boy, I think I'm falling crazy over you, I'm clueless bout what I'm gon do. Because you're so far away Living back in san jose And I'll be okay. Without you by my side, And I promise that I wont lie. About the things that i do, Because I'm really falling for you.
Chorus: This is a distant romance and I'm willing to take a chance, To be yours, baby. I'm ready to become dedicated. To someone like you. Maybe someday I could be, The one girl in your dreams. Because right now, I think you could be, The right guy for me.
Verse 2: Baby, I wish you could be with me, And maybe, I could sweep you offa yo feet. Lately, You're always on my mind. I promise, That's your really worth my time.
Chorus: 'Cause This is a distant romance and I'm willing to take a chance, To be yours, baby. I'm ready to become dedicated. To someone like you. Maybe someday I could be, The one girl in your dreams. Because right now, I think you could be, The right guy for me.
Bridge: I know that one day, You will be mine, And when I'm down, I know you're my sunshine. So if your far away, I'm always here to stay Who cares if were just so far apart. I'll try not to be the one to break your heart. I promise I'll be true, Because I love you...
Chorus: This is a distant romance and I'm willing to take a chance, To be yours, baby. I'm ready to become dedicated. To someone like you. Maybe someday I could be, The one girl in your dreams. Because right now, I think you could be, The right guy for me.
Anyway, lots of
Aqidah x
Saturday, June 12, 2010 @7:58 PM
I'm leaving in 4 days!! I can't believe it's been bout 9 months since I got here.. Shit, time passes by so quick ah.. haha..
That is all.. Goodbye.. see you in 5 days, Brunei!! :)
Monday, May 10, 2010 @1:54 AM
Okay, I think this is the longest time ever that I've neglected my blog.. I know I said that I would update more often when I get here, but who knew blogging would be much harder here than in Brunei.. Hahah.. But oh well..
I forgot if I mentioned this in my previous post, but I'm officially done with my first year lectures.. and I'm only waiting for my exams now.. So basically, my holiday is actually 7 weeks instead of 5.. I've been feeling so freaking lazy lately though.. Like I've barely studied for my exams.. which sucks.. cause I actually planned out when and how I'm gonna study.. plan FAILED. :(
Anyway, I'm leaving for Brunei in 37 days! HOW EXCITING??? The day I've been longing for is getting closer and clser.. and also, moving out and moving into the new house.. Shit, I seriously cannot wait for that!! no more feeling lonely.. no more eating alone.. no more 'meet me downstairs in 10 minutes' lol lol.. :D :D Though, it's been frustrating trying to find that one more girl to live with us.. It's like.. no girls are cming to Leicester!! OH MY GOD!
Gosh.. I don't really know what to say anymore, it's just that I felt like I've updated everyone enough on facebook.. so yeah.. haha..
abrupt ending..
Thursday, March 25, 2010 @11:33 AM
Hello beautiful people,
It's March (late March, I might add..) Can you believe it? This year is going way too fast, not that it's a bad thing. I'm done with my lectures for my first year!! :D Okay, fine.. I overslept today and my lecture for tomorrow got cancelled (Friday's looking good already.. :D).. but yeahhh.. EASTER'S HEREEE!! :D :D before you know it, Summer will comeeee.. haha.. I seriously can't wait to go back to Brunei to see my brother get married and go to Melbourne to meet Carmen. Exciting! :) Not forgetting Paris, end of first year and such.. It's all going so well. hehe.. :D
Anyway, back to the present. Weather's been kinda great lately, still cold, but sunny (sometimes! been raining a lot lately.. :( ) But yes, my weekends are always stuck in Leicester while everyone else have been going out of this place.. Haha.. How sad is that? I should seriously consider going somewhere one of these days and not just hide out in Linton.. Although I do have loadsa fun with them! :D We went back to playing Cranium for once.. Haha.. Good times, good times.. :)
Oh, BruLeics is getting somewhere. Votes are in.. Although we kinda sitll need to have our AGM? gaaaah.. Oh since it's already out in the open, we've got a house at Linton.. So I guess Linton Street is the so-called 'simpang Brunei' haha.. Which is awesome! :D Bruneian students in Leicester FTW! haha.. :D Still looking for one more person though.. GADDD..
For the first time, I don't feel like my birthday's tomorrow.. But oh well.. Last day of being 18.. Will make the best of ittttt.. CHYEAAAAAAAAAAHHH.. I'm gonna... crawl into bed and watch movies all day!.... :(
One more year to the big 2-0! GAAAAADDAYUMMM!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010 @2:07 PM
..even if it isn't with you.
Hello, world. It's snowing! :)
So.. I've passed my exams. Which is super shocking to me cause I was so sure I was gonna fail.. But hey, looks like luck IS by my side after all. :) :) And I'll be able to enjoy a full stress-free summer! That's Brunei and Melbourne baby! :D
The worst thing happening in my life right now is most probably house hunting, its going terribly wrong.. :( The house remotely close to a comfortable living environment, according to Adam.. Well, basically, somebody beat us to the punch.. So now we're on our 3rd agency and it's SHIT! We've gone to them 3 times already and they keep saying that they'll give us a call.. But they never do.
So um.. We had this underwater themed birthday bash for the Februarians and shitloads of people came to Leicester! OH! (abrupt change of topic) I'm going paintballing.. First time! Apparently, the reason why we only have 2 girls in our team is cause it hurts like shiiiiit! So all the girls backed out.. :( BUT issokay.. I've always wanted to try paintballing even if it means getting bruises here and there.. Can't wait! :D
HANYWAYS.. Awesome people:
Oil rigger and beach boy.. Patrick and Spongebob
End? ♥
Monday, February 15, 2010 @8:04 PM
That night, you said I should respect myself and that I deserve better...
Tonight, I realised that was true.
17. 26th March.
IB victim. ISB.
Not a pessimist but a realist.
Shy. Indecisive. Weird.
In love with music.
Friends make my day.
Before I leave: Visa. Scholarship(?). Medical Check up(?). New battery for laptop. Empire Beach. Spend time with friends. Photograph every waking moment left in Brunei. Sleep at abang's house for a few times. Make amends. Pack.